Interested in becoming a High School Soccer Referee?

Interested in becoming a High School Soccer Referee?

Click here for the official application form and detailed instructions to join SCOA or e-mail SCOA ( indicating your interest.

Developing soccer referees is a key focus of the SCOA organization. Soccer is played extensively and the demand for both male and female referees is great.  SCOA has an excellent record for mentoring officials and providing high caliber referees for all levels of competition.  Please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss the experience and answer any questions you may have.

Become a SCOA Official - Flyer

Become a SCOA Official - Flyer

Click on Become a High School Soccer Official to view the flyer with summary information and application.

Become a SCOA Official

Become a SCOA Official

Information for New Officials

The School and College Officials Association (SCOA) is a chapter of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA).  NJSIAA administers a variety of sports for its member schools.  SCOA focuses exclusively on high school soccer.

Click here for the official application form and detailed instructions to join SCOA.  (Questions may be emailed to

The general steps to become a SCOA high school soccer referee are as follows:

  1. Register with SCOA. (Complete and send in the application.)
  2. Attend the online (Zoom) SCOA referee course.  The course typically encompasses 14 hours of instruction with classes held once a week in 2 hour sessions.
  3. Pass the SCOA exam conducted at the end of the soccer referee course.  (This prepares you to pass the national NJSIAA Referee Exam.)
  4. Register at NJSIAA as a high school soccer official affiliated to SCOA.
  5. NJSIAA registration includes consent to the NJSIAA required Background Check.
  6. Register at the NFHS Learning Center and take the required online NFHS Concussion in Sports Course and provide the completion certificate to SCOA.
  7. Register on the ZebraWeb Assigning System in order to take and pass the online national NFHS Referee Exam.

Upon completion of the enumerated steps, new officials attain Cadet status and are eligible to officiate Junior Varsity and Freshmen level games. Games are assigned to all officials via the ZebraWeb Assigning system.

The last step is to purchase the required referee uniform, available from different vendors. (Detailed information may be found in the Resources section.)

Fees Summary for New Officials

  SCOA Cadet registration        125    Includes SCOA membership, referee course, rule book and SCOA chapter exam
  NJSIAA Registration         55    Cadets are NJSIAA Active Officials
  NJSIAA Background check         10    Required
  NFHS Concussion course      No charge, but must provide completion Certificate
                Total      $190    Fees are charged independently, at registration, by the respective organization


Uniform and Equipment Typical Cost for New Officials

  NJSIAA Referee Jersey   50 / 60    Lime green is the only color; comes in short and long sleeve.
  Black Referee Shorts    25    From plain black to USSF referee shorts are allowed
  Black Referee Socks     9 -12    3 stripes below the knee (USSF style 2 stripes above ankle also allowed)
  Whistle     6 +    Many choices from established manufacturers
  Referee Wallet     4 +    Includes game recording paper, pencil, yellow & red cards
  Linesman Referee Flag set    10 +    Similar to other referee items, choices range from inexpensive to very costly
       Typical Cost Estimate  $104 +    Uniforms and discounted referee starter kits are available from vendors.


Experienced Officials

Experienced Officials

Maintaining Officiating Eligibility

After completing their first year, officials are not required to take the soccer referee course again, but all other required credentials expire on June 30th of each year and must be renewed each year.  The requirements are the same for all officials.  Hence, every year all officials are required to renew their registrations / memberships with SCOA and NJSIAA, consent and pass the NJSIAA background check, take and pass the online NFHS Concussion in Sports course and take and pass the online national NFHS referee exam. 

Fees Summary for Officials After their First Year

    Cadet   Active  
  SCOA annual registration      95      95    (Does not apply to 1st year Cadets.)
  NJSIAA annual registration      55      55  
  NJSIAA Background check      10      10  
  NFHS Concussion course        No charge, but must provide completion Certificate
                Total   $160    $160    Fees are charged independently, at registration, by the respective organization


Promotion form Cadet to Active status

Based on experience (number of games officiated) and performance, new officials are evaluated at the end of the season and considered for promotion from Cadet to Active status. Active officials are eligible to work Varsity level games, as well as post-season NJ state competitions.  (Referee pay is commensurate with the officiating level and competition.)

Belonging to SCOA and other Soccer Chapters

Belonging to SCOA and other Soccer Chapters

Officials may belong to SCOA, as well as other soccer chapters.  This may be the case if an official first becomes a member of SCOA and later on wishes to join other soccer referee chapters, or vice versa. Should this be the case, once the official has contacted the chapter(s) they wish to join, their affiliation must be registered with NJSIAA.  (NJSIAA will apply the appropriate chapter fees during the registration process.)